Monday 4 April 2011

Fas Spring XI.6

Attendees: FB (obv), AS, HR (new member! Woo!)

Read: Turn On the Waterworks (FB short story)

This was a bit of a mini-session, but the sun was shining through the Pimlico windows so I decided to transport my generous listeners to November and snowy Canada with a story about a waterworks and two men on a month of night shifts. It's a new-ish story, so nice to hear it up on its feet. 

Commentary highlighted for me that perhaps the story was trying to do too much at once: one thread, their descent from ennui to playful game-playing, didn't sit perfectly with the other core thread, that of conversation / sharing / the relationship between the two. Overall, the mood of foreboding I had been so keen to create made something of an impression upon my critics, but perhaps I needed to turn the screw even tighter on the piece and heighten the drama at the cost of some of the more humorous tweaks that coloured the story. 

Once more, a useful, challenging session that's left me invigorated to be writing. Thank you!