Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Aims and all that....

So this blog will serve a fairly simple purpose, which remains twofold:
  1. To document meetings of the badly named Frank Brinkley Pimlico Fruit and Sex Writing Group for Writers and Frank (fas) - with a simple record who turns up, what we read, and what we plan to do.
  2. To document things going on in the similarly badly named 'Year of the Eph' - a year dedicated to, among other things, seeking happiness, exploring creativity, and treating others with a slice of decency. Ish. More posts to follow on that too.

For now, you can ask me more about either of these things on twitter (I remain @eph_brinkley) or even just read for yourself - they both have hashtags (#fas and #yearotf respectively; please note that the former is also used by all sorts of other things and will come up with all sorts of crap. so be selective). They're both meant to be vaguely collaborative too. If you feel you might like to contribute, just let me know and we'll see what we can do.

Apologies in advance that the next few posts will all be from a very short space of time and yet really be documenting the last 4 months or so... I was slow off the mark.

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